Divyangan-friendly, barrier free environment in Harimohan Ghose College

Harimohan Ghose College fosters a barrier-free environment that eliminates physical, attitudinal, and systematic obstacles that hinder the independence and equal opportunities for people with disabilities. This ensures that all individuals, regardless of their physical attributes and abilities, can access and participate fully in the society and environment of the college campus.

The college is designed to be inclusive of all individuals and promote free accessibility to enhance and facilitate mobility and ensure a congenial habitat. The college is furnished with ramps for easy mobility and wide doorways for hinderance free accessibility. The faculty ensures that specially-abled students are given classes in the ground-floor classrooms for easy access. Blind students are provided note-taking help from classmates and concerned teachers of the Department.As the Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi denotes the specially abled as Divyangan, the college ensures a safe and sound environment for each individual to grow to his fullest potential.

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