The Library which has been a rich collection of Books, has been an integral part of this college since its inception in 1963. The Library is now located in the top floor of the main building, away from the hustle-bustle of daily activities and providing the users a calm and serene environment to study. The Library has an area of over 1900 sq. ft. providing a huge Reading Room, Reference & Circulation Section. The Library has over 13,000 documents for access of students & teachers.


1 Prof. Anasua Ghosh Bag  M.Sc. (Zoology),MLIS, SET Librarian
2 Ms. Arpita Mondal Integrated MLIS Supporting Staff. (Temporary)

Library Timing
10 A.M. to 5 P.M. (Mon to Friday) ; 10 A.M. to 2P.M. (Saturday)

Resources & services.
Lending Facility - Books are issued to the students manually. However, automation of the Lending process is in progress through ILMS  KOHA.

Facilities provided to the students
* Reading Room-The Library has a spacious Reading Room with capacity of over 70 users at a time.
* Reference Service is provided to the  users. The Library has a rich collection of Reference books on Science, Arts & commence. Access to N-LIST resources of UGC INFLIBNET will soon be initiated in the Library.
* Open Access: The Library follows open-access system. This enables users to search documents. independently in book racks for lending and reading purposes.
* The whole library is under CCTV-surveillance.

Library  Rules:
1)students are allowed in the Library only on producing their authorized Library Cards - issued by the Library.
2)Books are issued to the students (Honours - 2 book, General- 1 book) for 14 days. Students can reissue the book once, for further 14 days. if no demand is found for the Same book.
3) An over-due fine of Rs. 1/ day shall be charged against each book, if not Returned within due date.
4) A burrower may be requested to return a document before the due date if required urgently in the Library. Failure to respond promptly, may lead to suspension of Library privileges.
5) Certain documents like Reference books, Rare books. Periodicals, Journals etc. are meant to be used only in the Library. No request to issue the same shall be entertained.
6) Borrowers are responsible for the documents they barrow. Documents lost, torn or damaged. (tearing of pages, underlining, making notes, damaging binding etc.) shall attract strict action and suspension of membership. In such cases borrower shall also replace the damaged document.
7) Strict Silence to be maintained in the Library. Food items and mobile phones are strictly prohibited at the Library Premises.
8)Users should obey the Library Rules. Violation of rules or any act of misbehavior towards Library staff will lead to strong disciplinary action.

Note: - The main purpose of the Library Rules are to safeguard the common interest of all users and to enable the Library to carry its functions smoothly, in most effective way.

notice board

