A Report of formation of Anti Ragging Cell

The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases.
The ‘Anti-Ragging Committee’ has been proposed for constitution in the field of Higher Education by the Ministry of Education , Govt. of India in order to prevent ragging in all higher educational institutions. Retaining all the directives of the National Anti-Ragging Commission, Harimohan Ghose College formed an Anti-Ragging Committee consisting of four members:

1. Prof. Sanchita Sen (Convenor)
2. Prof. Dola Mondal ( Joint Convenor)
3. Dr. Nilufa Khatun (Member)
4. Dr. Shubhankar Podder (Member)

The Committee held its first meeting on 04.08.2022 before the beginning of Semester 1 classes where a set of programmes and guidelines have been set against ragging, which is described as a criminal offence by the Supreme Court. As per the resolutions of the meeting, posters pamphlets and banners were hung and pasted throughout the college premises in order to make the students aware of the punishments pertaining to ragging. The contact numbers were given in the banners for lodging complaints.
Within a fortnight after the start of the first semester classes another meeting ( dated 27.09.2022) of the Anti-Ragging Committee was held. With the opening of the college after the Puja Vacation the committee held another meeting (dated 11.11.2022). However, fortunately, no complaint was lodged against ragging. This can be considered as a huge success on the part of the Anti-Ragging Committee as the members think they have been successful in counseling both the freshers and the seniors against ragging.
  • Minutes of Meeting of Anti-Ragging Committee

  • Some pictures of posters were hung on 17.08.2023 of anti-ragging throughout the college campus as an initiative of Anti-ragging committee.

    Poster 2 Poster 1

    Activities of Anti-Ragging Committee:

    A workshop on Anti-Ragging was organized for both the senior and fresher students in collaboration with IQAC, Harimohan Ghose College, on 18.08.2023 in the smart-classroom of the College. The Officer in Charge, Garden Reach Police Station, was invited to grace the occasion with his valuable legal advices and suggestions.
    anti-ragging activity by garden reach PS OIC
    Report of activity of Anti-Ragging Committee in collaboration with Garden Reach PS

    The Anti-Ragging Committee organized a workshop for both freshers and senior students on 'Anti-Ragging & Prevention of Sexual Harassment in College Campus' on 13th September 2024, in the Smart Classroom of our College. The workshop was jointly organized by Anti-Ragging Committee and Internal Complaints Committee in collaboration with IQAC, Harimohan Ghose College. The speakers were Tanmoy Samui, Officer-in-Charge, Garden Reach Police Station, and Atanu Chatterjee, Criminal Lawyer, Alipore Court, Kolkata. Both the speakers graced the occasion with their valuable legal advises and suggestions. The students were also provided an Anti-Ragging declaration form where they solemnly pledged to abide by all the rules of the committee and maintain a ragging-free campus, which is a pride of our college.

    Report of Anti-Ragging & Prevention of Sexual Harassment in College Campus on 13th September

    notice board



